Neale Donald Walsch
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous conversation with God. The Conversations with God series of books that emerged from those encounters has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.
Neale has written 37 books on spirituality and its practical application in everyday life. Titles in the With God series include: Conversations with God, Books I–III; Friendship with God; Communion with God; The New Revelations; Tomorrow’s God; What God Wants; and Home with God. Seven of the books in that series reached the New York Times Bestseller List, CWG-Book 1 occupying that list for over two-and-a-half years.
His most recent books are When Everything Changes Change Everything (2010), The Storm Before the Calm (2011), The Only Thing That Matters (2012, What God Said (2013), God’s Message to the World: You’ve got me all wrong (2014), When God and Medicine Meet (2016), and Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species (2017).
Conversations with God has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe. In order to deal with the enormous response to his writings, Neale has created an internet platform, www.CWGConnect.com, where the scope and breadth of the CWG messages may be explored and deeply studied, in audio, video, and written form, and where readers may get answers to any questions they may have about the material in the Ask Neale blog.

Neale’s work has taken him from the steps of Machu Picchu in Peru to the steps of the Shinto shrines of Japan, from Red Square in Moscow to St. Peters Square in Vatican City to Tiananmen Square in China. And everywhere he has gone–from South Africa to Norway, Croatia to The Netherlands, the streets of Zurich to the streets of Seoul–Neale has experienced a hunger among the people to find a new way to live, at last, in peace and harmony, and he has sought to bring people a new understanding of life and of God which would allow them to experience that.
Neale has a home in southern Oregon where he lives with his wife, the American poet Em Claire (www.emclairepoet.com). They have traveled extensively throughout the world, speaking to audiences and sharing the messages of the Conversations with God body of work.
For more information visit www.CWGConnect.com